Abiotic Ocean CDR
To Review before Meeting 9
Cover the High Flyer items to get a good idea of the different abiotic ocean solutions, then consider splitting up the rest with your team.
Meeting 9 Agenda
To use as a guide during your Learning Group meeting.
Ice Breaker
What spaces on this planet are you most fond of and why? (i.e. a certain landscape, lookout, room in your house, seat at the dinner table…).
Guiding Questions on Reading
Describe the three natural carbon pumps at work in the ocean (the biological pump, the solubility pump, and the carbonate pump). How do they work?
Explore each of the technology ocean CDR approaches here. Discuss how they work, and which ones you are most excited about.
What are coastal enhanced weathering and ocean alkalinity enhancement? What is Project Vesta’s strategy for doing this?
Work with your group to understand the fundamental chemistry behind ocean alkalinity enhancement. How do the minerals added to the ocean help increase the ocean’s overall appetite for CO2?
Fun Challenge! (optional)
Got any cool pictures of the ocean (either your own or from Google)? Post your favorite in #random!
Meme credit: Siobhan Montoya Lavender
Meme credit: Jason Hochman