Direct Air Capture (DAC)
To Review before Meeting 6
We recommend you watch the initial TED Talk with Jen Wilcox, and then there's a variety of deep dives and podcasts to go through! If you don’t know where to start, just proceed linearly down the list.
Meeting 6 Agenda
To use as a guide during your Learning Group meeting.
Ice Breaker
Now that we’re halfway through Boot Up, how have your perspectives on carbon removal changed from when you started the course, if at all?
Guiding Questions on Reading
What are the different potential approaches to DAC and how do they work?
What are some companies that are working on DAC and which approaches do they take?
What makes direct air capture so difficult and expensive? What factors affect the cost of DAC? (see item #10 - the Carbon Plan article)
What sorts of policy can help advance DAC at both federal and more local levels?
If your group is feeling technical, dive into some of the science and chemistry presented in this module. What questions do you have still? See if you can make progress in understanding as a group.
Fun Challenge! (optional)
Share a climate or cdr song in the #random channel in the Slack (can be an original if you want)!
Meme Credit: Asa Kamer