Soil Organic Carbon
To Review before Meeting 3
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of resources there are, consider splitting up/assigning resources amongst your team members! That way each person has a unique perspective to bring to the discussion.
Meeting 3 Agenda
To use as a guide during your Learning Group meeting.
Ice Breaker
Do you have any pets? Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Guiding Questions on Reading
What were your impressions on the subject(s) in this module?
What barriers to getting farmers to implement regenerative agriculture seem hardest to overcome?
What are the advantages and drawbacks of using soil carbon as an offset credit vs insetting?
Who are the key stakeholders to unlock soil organic carbon removal at scale?
How much potential do you think soil carbon sequestration actually has for climate mitigation?
Fun Challenge! (optional)
This meeting is about how food gets produced, so take and share a photo of a meal you recently made in the #random channel in the Slack!
Meme Credit: John Sanchez