Enhanced Weathering and Carbon Mineralization
To Review before Meeting 7
Start with the high flyer section, listen to the podcast about CarbFix (item #4), and then consider splitting the rest up with your team!
Meeting 7 Agenda
To use as a guide during your Learning Group meeting.
Ice Breaker
What’s your favorite place of all the places you’ve travelled?
Guiding Questions on Reading
What are the advantages of geologic sequestration vs mineralization as strategies for storing captured CO2?
Summarize the different types of mineralization. How does it work above ground (ex-situ) and below ground (in-situ)?
What types of federal policy will help scale geologic sequestration? What are Class VI wells?
How is the CarbFix project in Iceland using mineralization to store captured CO2?
Fun Challenge! (optional)
Find a picture of a cool looking mineral on Google (or in person!) and post it to the #random channel to represent your team!
Meme credit: Asa Kamer