Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS)
To Review before Meeting 5
Meeting 5 Agenda
To use as a guide during your Learning Group meeting.
Ice Breaker
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Guiding Questions on Reading
How does biomass-based carbon removal work? In what sense is it carbon negative? What are the pathways that exist to convert biomass to carbon?
What environmental justice concerns arise from biomass based carbon removal approaches? What strategies and governance can we employ to make sure that BECCS, biochar, and other biomass based carbon removal approaches are done right?
What problems does biochar face in scaling up as a market? How might it overcome these barriers going forward?
What business models make sense for commercializing biomass-based carbon removal? What approaches are different emerging companies in the space taking?
Fun Challenge! (optional)
Give yourself a hug. You deserve it- you’re halfway through the content!
Meme Credit: Asa Kamer