Demand for Carbon Removal
To Review before Meeting 2
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of resources there are, consider splitting up/assigning resources amongst your team members! That way each person has a unique perspective to bring to the discussion.
Meeting 2 Agenda
To use as a guide during your Learning Group meeting.
Ice Breaker
What has been 1 fun thing you did/learned during Covid times?
Guiding Questions on Reading
What characteristics make a good carbon offset vs a bad one? What do terms like “additionality” and “leakage” mean in the context of carbon offsets?
Why is it so hard for companies to find and purchase high quality carbon offsets? What best practices are suggested throughout the module for ensuring high quality purchases?
Describe how companies like Carbon Direct and Frontier are plugging into this ecosystem to help accelerate the purchase of high quality offsets. What roles are these companies looking to play?
Fun Challenge! (optional)
Make a meme about CDR markets using this meme generator website and post it in #random! (optional)